Zdroje elektronickych informaci a autorske pravo

Dr. Martin Bohacek
Katedra prava VSE Praha

Novela autorskeho zakona a informatika. Autorskopravni ochrana pocitacovych programu databazi a jednotlivych informaci, dila vytvorena v pracovnim pomeru, kopirovani pro osobni potrebu, interpretace a dekompilace, uprava programu. Kopirovani v knihovnach, odmeny za nenahrane nosice a kopirovani "na podklade tiskovin".

Copyright a Internet, vzdani se prav na odmenu, public domain, "vydavani" casopisu na Internetu, problem rozhodneho prava, satelitni vysilani. Internet a hromadna sprava autorskych prav. Globalni informacni superdalnice a ochrana prav, kyberneticka cenzura, ochrana osobnich dat i narodnich zajmu, sifra. Odpovednost autora, producenta a dodavatele za poskytnute informace, omezeni odpovednosti.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Electronic Information Resources and Copyright

Dr. Martin Bohacek
Dept. of Law, University of Economics, Prague


New release of the Copyright Law and informatics. Copyright protection for computer software, databases and individual information. Making copies for personal purposes, interpreting and decompiling, software modification. Making copies in libraries, charging for non-recorded media and copies of printed documents.

The Internet and copyright, public domain, Internet journal publishing, satelite transmission. The Internet and group copyright protection. Global information superhighway and copyright issues, cybercensorship, personal data protection and national interests. Liability of authors, producers and suppliers for information provided, limitation of liability.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Financni zdroje pro nevladni organizace a jejich informacni system

Dr. Jana Ryslinkova
Informacni centrum nadaci


V prispevku bude uveden prehled informacnich cinnosti mimo statni a podnikatelsky sektor, principy jejich financovani a vyhlidky do budoucna. .

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Financial Sources for Non-Government Organizations and Their Information System

Dr. Jana Ryslinkova
Foundations Information Centre


The referree will review information activities outside of the governmental and industrial sectors, principles of its funding and outlook for the future. .

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Kdyz se rekne: "moderni knihovna"

ing. Vladimir Karen
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

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Elektronicke informace se pomalu stavaji beznou soucasti zivota vetsich knihoven. Jak ale prakticky integrovat elektronicke informacni zdroje v knihovne (CD-ROM, online/Internet, knihovni katalogy a dalsi), aby byly prehledne a pohodlne pristupne odevsad, odkud je potreba?

Autor predstavuje praktickou studii zpristupneni celeho portfolia informacnich zdroju ctenarum knihovny, ktere je zalozeno na technologii Ultra*Net.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

When one says: A Modern Library

ing. Vladimir Karen
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

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Electronic information sources are becoming a standard part of a library's everyday life. However, how should be these extremely variable resources (CD-ROM, online, OPACs and others) made available in a consistent, user-friendly and convenient manner, everywhere where needed in a real life?

The referee will present a practical study of making the whole portfolio of electronic information accessible to library readers based on the Ultra*Net technology.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

BookFind-CD Past and Present

Rachel McAdam
Book Data

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BookFind-CD is a unique bibliographic information resource about over 2 million in-print books published world-wide in English. BookFind-CD was the first of this kind to cover both UK and US titles. BookData Ltd. continues in upgrading and enhancing the features of its product, including a Windows-based software and publishing of an archival disk.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

BookFind-CD vcera a dnes

Rachel McAdam
Book Data

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BookFind-CD je unikatni zdroj bibliografickych informaci o vice nez 2 milionech dostupnych ("in-print") knihach vydavanych v anglictine na celem svete. BookFind-CD byla prvni databazi tohoto typu, ktera pokryvala jak britske, tak americke tituly. Spolecnost BookData pokracuje ve zlepsovani a rozsirovani moznosti tohoto produktu, vcetne vyvoje software pro Windows a vydavani archivniho disku.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Digitalizace rukopisu a starych tisku - projekt "Pamet sveta"

ing. Stanislav Psohlavec
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.


Projekt UNESCO "Pamet sveta", jeho cile, ucast AIP na nem a vysledky. Hlavni cil - ochrana a zpristupneni. Pozadavky na data vznikajici pri digitalizaci historickych dokumentu. Proc a jak dosahnout nezavislosti dat na hardware a software. Vznik virtualnich knihoven.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Digitization of Manuscripts And Old Printed Books - "Memory of the World" Project

ing. Stanislav Psohlavec
Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.


"Memory of the World" project by UNESCO, its aims, AIP's participation and results. The main target - preservation and access. Requirements on data produced during digitalization of historical documents. Why and how to reach hardware & software independence of the data. Groundstones of virtual libraries.

Back to INFOMEDIA 96.


Mgr. Richard PAPIK
Ustav informacnich studii a knihovnictvi FF UK

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Ustav informacnich studii a knihovnictvi FF UK pripravuje pro sirsi odbornou verejnost nekolik typu kursu na podporu pripravy uzivatelu pri vyhledavani v online databazich a databazich na CD-ROM. Kursy predpokladaji kombinaci teorie a praktickeho cviceni.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Concepts of Training Courses for Searching Databases Online and on CD-ROM

Mgr. Richard PAPIK
Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship of the Charles University


The Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship of the Charles University prepares to run several training courses to support users of databases online and on CD-ROM. Trainings will include both theory and practice.

Back to INFOMEDIA 96.

Biographical and Bibliographical Information on CD-ROM

Dr. Klaus G. Saur
K.G.Saur Verlag



For centuries, biographical and bibliographical reference works have been published and have become indispensable tools for the whole library and information world. Due to continual changes and developments, this production sector is extremely suitable for CD-ROM. The first product of this kind which was very successful worldwide was the American "Books in Print". It has become the model for all other guides to books in print which have become generally established today to a large extend on CD-ROM.

The next step within this development was to publish retrospective bibliographies, such as for example the "Spanish Bibliography 1450 to 1995" on CD-ROM. Parallel to this, substantial biographical "Who's Whos" and other biographical encyclopaedias on CD-ROM have been developed.

The referee will point out the chances and cite numerous expamples with model estimates as well as application possibilities and development potential.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Novy cesky knihovnicky system KP-system verze 1.0

ing. Vaclav Trunec
KP-SYS Pradubice

Dr. Anna Stcklova


Puvodni cesky software KP-system vznikl v dilne odborniku, kteri se jiz nekolik let intenzivne zabyvaji vyvojem bibliografickych i knihovnickych systemu. Vzvikl ve spolupraci s Dr. Annou Stcklovou z Ustavu informacnich studii a knihovnictvi FF UK v Praze. Tento novy produkt je snadno aplikovatelny ve vsech typech knihoven a informacnich pracovist, ale take muzeich, archivech atd. Snadno se s nim nauci pracovat vsichni knihovnici i neprofesionalove. Pritom system zajisti kontrolu struktury a uplnosti dat s durazem na minimalni zaznam pro souborny katalog CASLIN.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Nekolik poznamek k problematice financovani vedeckych knihoven pri prechodu od tistenych k elektronickym zdrojum informaci

Ing. Jaroslav Silhanek

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Vedecke knihovny stoji pred zasadnim ukolem prechodu od prevazne tistenych k elektronickym formam informaci, coz predstavuje jak technicky a organizacni problem, tak i problem rozpoctu. Nejdulezitejsi slozky informacnich zdroju ve vedeckych knihovnach predstavuji sekundarni referatove zdroje a periodika, a to jak svou funkci, tak rozpoctovymi naroky. V pripade referatovych sluzeb je jejich elektronicka podoba jiz delsi dobu standardni soucasti nabidky a prechod na jeji prevazujici nebo i vylucne vyuzivani je jen otazkou strategie okamziteho, nebo postupneho prechodu. Na zaklade nasich zkusenosti davame prednost postupnemu prechodu, ktery ale predevsim z rozpoctoveho hlediska je silne zavisly na uzke kooperaci knihovny s producentem databazoveho zdroje. Na prikladu jedne z nejvetsich bazi dat pro chemicke discipliny bude uveden priklad takove velmi uspesne spoluprace predstavujici model k nasledovani.

Elektronicka podoba periodicke literatury predstavuje druhou nejdulezitejsi oblast, kde se sice v soucasne dobe setkavame s velkym mnozstvim projektu, ale celkova situace a vyhled do budoucnosti jsou daleko mene prehledne. Presto je pro kazdou vedeckou knihovnu velmi dulezite tento prechod pripravovat a testovat alespon nektere realizovane projekty. O nekterych bude referovano v tomto prispevku.

Konecne je nutne si uvedomit, ze i kdyz hovorime jenom o "prechodu" k elektronickym formam informace, ve skutecnosti tento krok predstavuje daleko vice nez jen pohodlnejsi prohledavani katalogu nebo rejstriku. V rade pripadu se jedna o zasadne nove moznosti prace s informacemi, ktere jsou v tistene podobe nemyslitelne a ktere posunuji elektronicke informacni zdroje spise do kategorie vedeckych pristroju, nez "jen" informacnich sluzeb.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.

Notes To Financing Research Libraries in the Period of Transformation from Printed to Electronic Information Resources

Ing. Jaroslav Silhanek
University of Chemical Technology, Prague

Research libraries are facing an essential task of transformation from mostly printed to electronic information, which represents technical and organizationsl problem as well as a budget problem. The most important information resources - to their funcion and budget requeirements - in a research library are secondary indexing journals and periodicals. In the case of abstracting services the electronic form is already being offered regularly and the transfer to its exclusive usage is just a question of the strategy: either immediate or sequential transfer. From our own experience, we prefer sequential transfer, which, however, is very dependent on close collaboration with the information provider, mainly due to budget reasons. A successful example of such collaboration in case of a major chemical database will be presented as a model to follow.

The electronic form of periodical literature represents the second most important area, where there are many projects appearing today but the overall situation today to the future is rather unclear. Anyway, it is essential to every research library to prepare this transfer in the future and to test at least some of the contemporary projects. Some such projects will be mentioned in this speech.

Finally, it has to be noticed that when speaking about just a "transfer" to electronic information, this step is much more than just more convenient searching of a catalogue or index. In many cases this means a completely new possibilities for information research and management which will be impossible with the printed form but which are moving the electronic information resources more into the category of research equipment than "just" information services.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA96.

Novinky v bazich dat vedeckotechnickych informaci STN International

Ing. Jaroslav Horky
Ing. Bohumil Bocek

Medistyl Praha


Upozorneni na novinky v databazove siti STN International - chemie, farmacie, patenty, vedecko - technicke i obchodne - ekonomicke informace. Informace o CAS roles v bazich Chemical Abstracts, o katalogu Chemcats, nove bazi Derwent Patents Citation Index a dalsich novinkach.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA96.

News in the STN International database network

Ing. Jaroslav Horky
Ing. Bohumil Bocek

Medistyl Praha


Abstract: News in the STN International database network - chemistry, pharmacy, patents, scientific and technical information as well as business and economic information. Information on CAS roles in the Chemical Abstracts database, about Chemcats catalogue and the new database Derwent Patents Citation Index and others.

Zpatky do INFOMEDIA 96.