Position and role of the librarian in evidence and evaluation of publication activities - Use and misuse of bibliometric indicators
Milan Spala, Alena Maleckova, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
The libraries are usually a part of the institution (Universities, Research institutes) where publications are produced. For the evidence and evaluation of the publication output the position of the librarian is determined by his personal experiences gained during his research work and publication of results in journals and books. Another condition enabling the efficient participation of the librarian in evidence and evaluation of publication outputs is his/her perfect mastering of bibliographic rules applied in databases as well as their practical application in scientific disciplines taught in the university or accomplished in the research units. For the evaluation of publication activities the "conditio sine qua non" for the librarian is to know the principles of bibliometric performance indicators and to understand their application and interpretation. In the present time the position of many university libraries could be characterised as "in the centre of the research at its border". Only a tenacious shift of library activities to the actual centre of research and "impact factored" publication can assure to the librarians a respectful position and indispensable role in efficient evidence and correct evaluation of publication activities.