Analýzy zemí, obchodní analýzy a prognózy od vydavatelství Economist Intelligence Unit

Sekce: Informační zdroje a služby ve světle vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie
Autor: Raul Garcia Rodriguez, Economist Intelligence Unit; Velká Británie 
Abstrakt: The Economist Intelligence Unit is a comprehensive and independent source of global data and analysis on world markets. We continuously assess and forecast the political, economic and business conditions in 195 countries. As part of The Economist Group, publisher of the weekly The Economist newspaper, we have an unparalleled reputation for delivering reliable business intelligence to our clients throughout the world.

This presentation will introduce Inforum attendees to our range of business intelligence services, and demonstrate how they can be used by business, government institutions and academic institutions.

O autoru: Education:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SPAIN. Speciality in Slavic Philology. Feb. 1997
UNED (National Open University) Postgraduate Course: International Commerce. Oct.1997
University of Voronezh, RUSSIA. July 1992, July 1993. Two bursaries for the study of the Russian Language as a Foreign Language.
St Petersburg State Technical University, Russia (July-August 1994, Intermediate level, September-December 1994, Upper Intermediate, January- May 1995, Advanced level. A -Level)
Chamber of Commerce, Madrid, Spain. Business English, Superior Diploma, Dec. 1996.
Spanish Institute for External Trade (ICEX) internship, July 1998-July 1999

Professional experience:
I-1997 - VI-1998: Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Internship: In charge of the Multimedia Lab of the Library at the Faculty of Geography and History.
VI 1998 – VII-2000: ICEX (Spanish Institute for External Trade). Internship holder; followed by a one year extension of the program due to needs of the Commercial Section of the Embassy of Spain in the Slovak Republic.
V 2001 –XII 2002: Market Analyst in the same Commercial Section. Main duties: Finding business partners; Institutional Relations with Slovak counterparts; Reporting on Sectors of interest as well as Economic and Commercial information.
From January 2003- The Economist Intelligence Unit, Sales Executive Eastern Europe.

Spanish - mother language
English - spoken and written correctly
French - spoken and written correctly
Russian - spoken and written correctly
Slovak - correctly spoken, basic written
Czech - basic spoken and written


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