13. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Integrace elektronických knih do nabídky informačních služeb

Koordinátor: Filip Vojtášek, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 24. 5. 2007, 9.00 - 12.05, Posluchárna D

Elektronické knihy z vydavatelství Thomson Gale! Prvotřídní zdroje pro každou akademickou knihovnu, které jednoduše zařadíte do vašeho knihovního systému. Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL): platforma pro elektronické knihy

Autor: Paul Fertl, Thomson Learning – Library Reference Division, Německo


Gale is taking eBooks to the next level by delivering their award winning reference content in an easy-to-use database format. Currently more than 1.000 titles from Thomson Gale and other publishers are available on the GVRL platform. Subjects ranging from Literature to Science, History to Business, Religion to Biography. We show the benefits of implementing your own virtual library into your library system.

O autorovi:

Paul Fertl is the Sales Director for Thomson Learning – Library Reference Division for Central and Eastern Europe, German Speaking Europe and France. Throughout his professional career, he used to work with Academic Libraries for many years on a worldwide basis. The University-, State and Special Libraries in Central Europe are in cooperation with Paul Fertl on Ebooks, Digital Collections, Online databases and printed books for a long time.

Thomson Learning serves the needs of individuals, learning institutions, corporations and government agencies with products and services for both traditional and distributed learning.

Gale® is a world leader in e-reference publishing for libraries, schools and businesses. Best known for its accurate and authoritative content as well as its intelligent organization of full-text magazine and newspaper articles, the company creates and maintains more than 1,000 eBooks and 600 databases that are published in electronic form, including the Times Digital Archive and Eighteenth Century Collections Online, as well as in print and microform.

The Gale family of publishing imprints includes such noted brands as Macmillan Reference USA,™ Charles Scribner's Sons™ and Primary Source Microfilm.™ Gale also serves the children's book market with its UXL,® Greenhaven Press,® Lucent Books,® KidHaven Press,™ Blackbirch Press® and Sleeping Bear Press™ imprints. Thorndike Press,® Walker Large Print™ and Wheeler Publishing™ serve libraries' large-print collections.

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