14. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Trendy a novinky ve využívání informací I.

Koordinátor: Jiří Kadleček, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 28. 5. 2008, 14.00 - 17.00, Nová aula

Služby na oznamování novinek vracejí moc do rukou uživatele

Autor: Aaron Maierhofer, RefWorks, Velká Británie

Plné texty


Every day important new information in various fields of research is being published. New research is conducted, papers are published and new opinions emerge. Simply keeping abreast of the latest information or even knowing where to find it has become an almost insurmountable task. Yet, researchers depend upon their ability to locate and access information and don’t have the time to understand the 'how'. That’s why the creators of RefWorks have developed RefAware - a new service to support researchers. RefAware is a new individual current awareness service, allowing researchers to stay abreast of the specific areas of interest and research important to them. Scanning some 8000 international peer-reviewed journals in 6 subject areas (life sciences, engineering, physical sciences, business, social sciences and art & humanities) on a continual basis, users can set up search strategies using key words, author and journal names, to scour the web for published and pre-published information in their field of interest. Aaron Maierhofer will be giving background information that lead to the development of this truly innovative service and explain the true uniqueness of RefAware, as it uses RSS technology and updates every four hours, so data provided to researchers is completely new and in many cases not indexed by any other abstract or indexing service and alert services currently available.

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