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Library Has(Not) to be Canceled - (Un)Common Problems of (Un)Usual Library


Jiří Drozda, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic


Hana Hubínková, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

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Today, in the epoch of society computerization, middle and small libraries are currently confronted with the significant readers decrease. In addition, the influence of the economic situation and restricting of expenditure, logical (economical) steps of the libraries providers are to significantly reduce operating costs and somewhere closing of the library. How can small village library survive in the time of Internet, podcasts, MP3, avi, iTune and other multimedia media competitors? How can departmental scientific library survive, when the students and PhD-students rather Google-search information in the comfort of their home? There is not „correct“ answer, because if the answer existed, we wouldn't have these problems. Our founder wanted to do the same, to close Surveying Library – to move a smaller part of librarian found to National Technical Library and the greater part to paper mill Štětí. We asked him to give us another r chance, the last one, and we set out on the path of advertising agents, money-hunters and lobbyists, which is not usual for precise professional librarians and archivists. We don't even know if this path leads to the hoped goal, but nothing worse than library cancellation can't happen, that we already averted once time.

Author's professional CV

Jiří Drozda 1979 – 1984 Geodesy and Cartography university degree, 1980 – 1984 Computer Science and Informatics university degree, 1984 – 2005 different geographic position in the Army of Czech Republic 2006 – 2010 NATO International Civilian Consultant on Balkan Peninsula 2011 – Information department and Surveying Library chief

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