Příspěvek konference

Propagace a zpřístupňování e-knih: Zkušenosti z Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology


Anna Tonakiewicz-Kołosowska, Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology, Polsko


Iwona Socik, Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology - Reference Department

Materiály ke stažení

Foto přednášejícího / Picture Plný text Prezentace


The presentation shows the role of the WUT ML in promotion of e-books for University students and researchers.

The authors present how the Library organizes access to e-collections and describe the methods of communication with users. The presentation also shows the importance of the library training in promoting e-collections, particularly during workshops for students.

The methods and tools used for promoting e-books and extending e-book collections and other library content are based on the WUT Main Library experience. The authors also present statistical analysis of usage of the content.

The presentation includes the following topics:

1. Promotion of e-collections (subject, interdisciplinary and special collections) a. The WUT ML Home Page (WUT Digital Library, Library Subject Guides) b. Multisearch PRIMO c. Databases List, E-Resources Title List d. Information Literacy – workshops for students

2. Forms of Acquisition a. subscriptions b. collections and individual titles purchased using perpetual access model c. own digitized collections

3. Ways of access: a. HAN system b. individual user accounts set up

4. online ebooks rental on request (EBL, Dawsonera)

5. Usage reports

Profesní informace o autorovi

Anna Tonakiewicz-Kołosowska, Main Library of Warsaw University of Technology, Head of Reference Department, Poland

Major specializations: Science and technical information, intellectual property protection, Information Literacy


Hlavní sponzor

Albertina icome Praha & Albertina icome Bratislava

Mediální partneři

KNIHOVNA - knihovnická revue
Knihovna plus
