Příspěvek konference

Umožněte vědeckým pracovníkům optimalizovat pracovní postupy s Mendeley


Anita Cseplesz, Elsevier, Nizozemsko

Materiály ke stažení



Organize, share, discover academic knowledge with Mendeley.

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Make your own fully-searchable library in seconds, cite as you write, and read and annotate your PDFs on any device.

Showcase your work on your profile and assess the impact of your research. Benefit from the insights about your and others work that Mendeley provides you real time.

Profesní informace o autorovi

Anita Cseplezs is a professional working more than 15 years in developing and advising on innovative IT solutions for public, corporate and academic sector.

She is always devoted to find the best solution in the enablement of research and academic community to help achieve their goals and become successful in their respective fields.


Hlavní sponzor

Albertina icome Praha & Albertina icome Bratislava

Mediální partneři

KNIHOVNA - knihovnická revue
Knihovna plus
