13th Conference on Professional Information Resources

Paper details

Poster Session

Session coordinator: Jana Machonská, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic

Where: 28. 5. 2008, 16.00 - 17.30, Auditorium D

Serbian Wordnet for Biomedical Sciences

Autor: Sanja Antonic, University of Belgrade - University Library "Svetozar Markovic", Serbia


Cvetana Krstev, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology, Serbia



Wordnet is a lexical semantic network having as nodes the sets of synonymous word (synsets) which are linked by various semantic relations. The first Wordnet built was the so-called Princeton Wordnet consisting today of approximately 140,000 synsets. Due to its remarkable size and successful inclusion in various computer-based applications it is considered as a de facto standard. In this paper we present the new electronic information resource Serbian Wordnet (SWN) and its initial development. Serbian Wordnet is based on the same principles as Princeton Wordnet (PWN), which means that it has not only inherited its basic structure but also the additional information associated to PWN. The development of Serbian Wordnet started with Balkanet project which was funded by European Commission from (2001-2004). The main goal of the project was development of wordnets for the Balkan languages: Bulgarian, Greek, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish and Czech and their alignment with PWN. The development of Serbian Wordnet continues after Balkanet with its enhancement in various domains. We describe how various traditional and Internet resources are being used for the enhancement of SWN in domain of biomedicine and how we see the possible practical usage of SWN in information retrieval this domain.

About author:

MSc Sanja Antonic was born in 1966, Serbia. Graduated Molecular biology and physiology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade. Employed from 1997. like Information specialist for biomedicine and biotechnology in Department for scientific information, University library “Svetozar Markovic” in Belgrade. She participated in national and international professional meetings and conferences (IFLA 2003, two international scientific meetings co organized by Faculty of Philology of Belgrade University “Children and libraries” and “Leadership in libraries”, four international conferences organized by Teacher Education Faculty in Sombor, scientific meetings of Serbian Academic Library Association etc.). Author of 13 articles on English and Serbian languages in journals Infotheca, Archives of Oncology and proceedings of mentioned conferences. She has many presentation, lectures, courses and workshops about researching electronic information resources of numerous faculties, institutes, health and cultural institutions. Invited to lectured on subjects “Electronic resources” and “Electronic publications available in Serbia”.

Active member of the Association of Serbian Librarians and she is vice president of Commission for user services. Also, participate in activities E-learning Center in Serbia and National center for digitalization.

Other papers in this session:

Corporate Culture as a Basis for Sharing Information and Building Corporate Knowledge

Author: Michaela Dombrovská, Charles University - Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Czech Republic

Yesterday, today and tomorrow times of Subject Gateway Art and Architecture

Author: Květa Hartmanová, Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague Library, Czech Republic


Václav Kapsa, Czech National Library / Jiří Pavlík, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Subject Categories in JCR Science Edition and Their “Median Impact Factor”

Author: Věra Kroftová, Agricultural Research Institute Kroměříž, Ltd., Agrotest fyto, Ltd., Czech Republic

The tezaurus Medical Subject Headings – Czech Translation in the MTMS

Author: Lenka Maixnerová, National Medical Library, Czech Republic


Alena Šímová, Helena Bouzková, Filip Kříž, Ondřej Horsák, Marie Votípková, National Medical Library, Czech Republic

InfoLitGlobal: A New Information Literacy Resources Directory

Author: Heike vom Orde, Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation, Germany

Community 2.0 and Its Consulting Potential: An Example from a Medical Environment

Author: Vendula Papíková, Centre of Biomedical Informatics, Institute of Computer Science of the Czech Academy of Sciences


Richard Papik, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

Interlibrary Loan Service in the context of Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition of Serbian Libraries - KoBSON

Author: Dragana Stolic, University of Belgrade - University Library

The Digital Library for the Blind

Author: Norbert Végh, Slovak Library for the Blind, Slovak Republic