Paper details

Surveys of University Students' Information Literacy: Call for Cooperation


Lenka Bělohoubková, University of Economics, Prague - Centre of Information and Library Services, Czech Republic


Ilona Trtíková, Ludmila Tichá, Czech Technical University in Prague - Central Library, Hana Landová, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague - Study and Information Centre

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Poster Presentation


The Information Education and Information Literacy Working Group IVIG was established in 2000 and three years later became a part of the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities (ALCU). IVIG´s main activities are focused on preparing conceptual and theoretical documents, including terminology and definitions; preparing teaching materials, organizing workshops and annual seminars to share best practices. One of important activities is monitoring situation in information literacy education at Czech universities through conducting periodical surveys. In 2004 and 2005, the team consisting of sociologist and academic librarians launched pilot survey focusing on the IL level of university students. Every library participating in this pilot project, has received a detailed sociological analysis containing results of that particular university and explaining correlations and emphasizing elements that influence information literacy of students. The major outcomes of this pilot survey will be pointed out at the poster. Main objective of the poster is to encourage participants of conference from universities to engage in the new survey in 2015. IVIG group strongly encourages potential participants to take part even earlier, by participating in updating the pilot survey materials during 2014. The survey might be a challenge and opportunity for cooperation with other associations and working groups outside of the Czech Republic, e.g. developing contacts with CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals). Performing the survey nationwide and in the future, possibly, also in several countries and comparing the results afterwards, might lead towards better understanding of IL similarities as well as differences on the international le­vel.

Author's professional CV

Lenka Bělohoubková The author is a graduate of the University of Economics in Prague, Information and Knowledge Engineering specialization. Since graduation in 1995, she is an employee of the Centre of Information and Library Services, University of Economics Prague. She is member of IVIG Group since the 2005 – and in the same year, she managed to engage 5 Prague faculties of University of Economics in the Pilot survey, which will be introduced in poster. In April 2013 she became Chair of the IVIG Group.

Organized by

Albertina icome Praha

Main Sponsor

Albertina icome Praha & Albertina icome Bratislava

Media and Technology Partners

Microsoft Czech Republic
