Příspěvek konference

Zahájení konference

Koordinátor sekce: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Čas a místo: 25. 5., 10:30 - 12:45, Vencovského aula

Deset hypotéz o současném stavu a budoucím vývoji vědeckého publikování

Guido F. Herrmann, Thieme Publishers, Německo
Materiály ke stažení

My talk will present a critical analysis of the main parameters currently influencing Scientific Publishing. Those parameters are of technological, social, legal and other nature. I will first present the current state of scientific publishing, then analyze what is impacting on the field and finally present some conclusions.

Profesní informace o autorovi

Guido F. Herrmann has a 14 years background in the publishing and information industry and currently works as a Managing Director at Thieme Publishers (www.thieme-chemistry.com). Since 2008 he is a member of the STM Copyright Committee of the International Association of STM Publishers. Since 2005 he acts as the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Fachinformati­onszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Technische Informationsbi­bliothek Hannover, Germany. Guido F. Herrmann presents frequently at international conferences and received academic training in chemistry (Ph.D.) and business administration (M.B.A.).


  • Albertina icome Praha VŠE

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  • Český rozhlas - Leonardo
  • Ikaros
  • LibRa

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