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Vliv open access na knihovny: nová éra ve vydavatelském průmyslu
Autor: Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi, Technological Educational Institution of Athens, Řecko
Spoluautoři: Challeplioglou Artemis / Foundation of Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens, Vasilakaki Eugenia / DBS SA Informatic Services Company
Plné texty
Statement: The development and widespread adoption of Internet as a strong information tool is transforming the Publishing Industry. The field, perhaps most, affected by this change is the one of Information Science, which is about to face new challenges and adopt new roles and techniques. Information Organizations assess, collect and manage both printed and digital material. The aforementioned fact is addressing new issues such as collection policy, copyright issues and their financial implications.
Aim/ Objectives: This paper aims to discuss the Open Access issue, as a way of disseminating scientific information worldwide in regards to e-content management. Furthermore, it explores new policy’s parameters.
Methods: An extended bibliographic review is held along with a qualitative analysis of the European Informational environment. Furthermore, observation techniques and data collection is curried out in existing information repositories and their design and operation as a means of publishing mechanisms.
Expected Results: It is anticipated that a further development of Institutional repositories will expand the Information Organizations’ e-content. This will gradually take over grounds traditionally belonging to the publishing industry. Libraries as key organizations in their establishment and management should promote their development. It is expected that the aforementioned techniques will enhance research communication via library infrastructures. Furthermore, we believe that libraries will be in a position to reevaluate the economics of information into the European Information Society.
Conclusion/ Suggestions: It is evident that in order to manage the electronic material in Information Organizations using repository techniques, cooperation at national and international level is needed. Also, a strongly related policy among Europeans, regarding scientific e-content and a common approach to its financial treatment is also of essence. As a result, Information Organizations will produce qualitative and added value services and products.
O autorovi
Professor Daphne Kyriaki-Manessi is a PhD graduate from the Faculty of Information Science of the University of Toronto, Canada. She also holds an MLS (Master of Library Science) from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Currently she is an Associate Professor at the Technological and Educational Institution of Athens at the Department of Library Science and Information Systems. She has served as the Special Secretary of the Greek Ministry of Education for four years (2000-2004) responsible for the country’s Libraries, Archives, Educational Television and Educational Media. She has taught as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Library and Archives of the Ionian University, Corfu, Greece from 1995 to 2004. Academic interests include knowledge management, structures of data and data mining as well as the field of information organizations and their setting within information society. She speaks English, French and Greek.
Challeplioglou Artemis is a postgraduate student in Information Science held by the Faculty of Library and Archives Science of Ionian University of Corfu, Greece. She is currently working as a Librarian at the Foundation of Biomedical Research of the Academy of Athens. Contact information tel+302108026588, email: artemischal@bioacademy.gr
Vasilakaki Eugenia is a postgraduate student in Information Science held by the Faculty of Library and Archives Science of Ionian University of Corfu, Greece. Currently she works as a Librarian at the DBS SA (Dynamic Business Solutions) Informatic Services Company. Contact information addr. L. Karagianni 12, Postcode 11252, Athens tel. +302108678667 email: mscevasilak@yahoo.gr
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