Conference Partners
Main Sponsor

Albertina icome Praha Company (est. in 1991) has been maintaining a position of one of the leading distributors of resources of electronic information (professional journals and books, patents, trademarks, news, marketing research, reports, company and industry summaries, encyclopedias etc.) in science, technology, medicine and business in the Czech Republic.
AiP’s portfolio encompasses 2,100 titles accessible online in order to meet specific needs of its customers – universities, Academy of Sciences, hospitals, government agencies, public libraries as well as private corporations. AiP deals products of 50 world’s top publishers and aggregators (including Wolters Kluwer, ProQuest, OUP, Wiley, OECD and Knovel).
AiP‘s daughter company, Albertina icome Bratislava, represents its business interests in electronic information resources marketplace in the Slovak Republic.
Media Partners

ITlib. Information Technologies and libraries is scientific journal focused in issues of efficient use of modern information technologies for acquisition, processing, retenting and disclosure of documents. The journal is interested in current topics for library and information science, librarianship and situation in libraries and memory institutions.
Periodicity: 4× year – March, June, September, December. Published in the printed and electronic version. Articles are peer-reviewed.

Knihovna – a review for librarians – brings theoretical studies from the domain of libraries, informs about successful projects of Czech and foreign libraries and about the active participation of the National Library of the Czech Republic in various Czech and international projects.
Since 2005 it is published twice a year. Since 2008 the main articles are subject to independent review proceedings.
The periodical offers a forum for professional activities consisting in theoretical research focusing upon concrete outputs that are utilizable in the practice.
Thanks to the licence contract with EBSCO since 2009 the lists of contents of the journal have been excerpted to the international databases of LISA. Since 2015 the periodical Knihonva: knihovnická revue is included in the prestigious scientific journal databases The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).
Infoparty Sponsor

Cambridge University Press is the publishing division of the University of Cambridge. Dedicated to excellence, its purpose is to further the University's objective of advancing knowledge, education, learning, and research.
Its extensive peer-reviewed publishing lists comprise 45,000 print titles covering academic research, over 24,000 ebook titles and more than 300 research journals in a wide range of subject areas.
Playing a leading role in today’s international market place, Cambridge University Press has over 50 offices around the globe, and it distributes its products to nearly every country in the world. For further information, go to:

IOP Publishing’s cross-disciplinary portfolio of ebooks and 70+ research journals offers vital research across the physical sciences and related subjects areas, in partnership with some of the most renowned institutes in the world.
More than 700,000 articles can be accessed on IOPscience, IOP Publishing’s electronic platform and all journal content is semantically enriched to ensure an easier, faster and more fruitful discovery process.
For more information, visit
Coffee Breaks Sponsor

Wolters Kluwer provides information and services for healthcare professionals to help them make important decisions on patient care, outcomes, and medical discoveries.
Clinicians rely on our market leading information-enabled tools and software solutions throughout their professional careers from training to research to practice. For medical research, Ovid® brings together in one convenient solution, the world’s premium, peer-reviewed journals, books, databases, productivity resources and tools.
The Ovid medical research platform is used by healthcare practitioners, librarians, researchers, and students to help inform decisions on patient care, support research to improve practice, and explore new discoveries. Ovid delivers a comprehensive portfolio of the world’s premium peer-reviewed clinical, medical, nursing and allied health content.
Juice Bar Sponsor

Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community.
SAGE publishes journals, books, and library products spanning a range of subject areas. SAGE remains majority-owned by our founder, who has ensured that the company will remain permanently independent.
Exhibitors & Other Contributors - Czech & Slovak

AiP Beroun, a daughter company of Albertina icome Praha Ltd, is active in the sphere of digitization and providing access to information on-line. AiP Beroun collaborates with many Czech and European memory institutions. Its own digitization studio is specialized on the non-contact digitization of scarce manuscripts, rare prints, paintings, posters, maps.
AiP Beroun develops and operates Manuscriptorium digital library, an information source which is agregated by Europeana, and companies such as EBSCO, Summon and others.
One of important activities of AiP Beroun is participation in EU projects. Significant has been the technical management of the European aggregating project, ENRICH. Currently it is technical coordination of ETNOFOLK project.
AiP Beroun also provides its partners with a solution for presentation of their data (not necessary results of digitization projects) – GULLIVER.

Cosmotron was founded in 1992. The company is specialized in development of information systems. Dynamics and growth of the company was in 2008 attested by quality certificate according to ISO 9001.
Major product is the software Advanced Rapid Library (ARL). ARL is determined for automation and administration of libraries, museums, galleries, archives and information centers. Another domain includes identification systems – bar codes and RFID technology – for library use. Also advisory and analytical services, installation, inplementation, permanent support and next development guarantee are provided. Organizations of various orientation and dimension are the company clients.
The part of the services involves products for the protection of library fund and additional bar code services.

Suweco is one of the biggest suppliers of scientific information sources of all kinds and forms, such as printed books, series, electronic information sources etc. in Central Europe. We supply them to individual institutions or to groups of institutions. We manage and administrate the biggest Czech and Slovak consortiums for access to top scientific information sources.
We help to cover and make accessible the information infrastructure of science and research by key scientific information sources.
Exhibitors & Other Contributors - foreign

AIP Publishing is a wholly owned not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
AIP Publishing’s mission is to support the charitable, scientific and educational purposes of AIP through scholarly publishing activities in the fields of the physical and related sciences on its own behalf, on behalf of Member Societies of AIP, and on behalf of other publishing partners to help them proactively advance their missions.
AIP Publishing’s portfolio comprises 20 highly regarded, peer-reviewed journals, including the flagship journals Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, and The Journal of Chemical Physics, in addition to the AIP Conference Proceedings.

Alexander Street pairs exclusive content with the latest technology to deliver customizable products and services to libraries and their patrons worldwide.
We blend video, audio, and text with cutting-edge online tools to transform the way people research, learn, and teach in virtually every discipline.

BMJ advances healthcare worldwide by sharing knowledge and expertise to improve experiences, outcomes and value.
Sharing the newest ideas, opinions and data; developing tools to make information accessible and useful; assisting medical professionals with their ongoing development; challenging convention. That’s what BMJ does since 1840.
Our influence is large and growing. Currently our weekly journal is one of the top five general medical publications in the world, reaching hundreds of thousands of healthcare professionals worldwide.

CABI is a leading not for profit publisher, with over 100 years of experience in scientific information provision. We create, collect, commission, organize, interpret, synthesize and customize knowledge for the scientific community.
Our team of subject experts keep up-to-date on the latest research and discovery within the applied life sciences and ensure the most important and relevant information is included in our high value scholarly databases, compendia, and books, including the world renowned CAB Abstracts and Global Health databases.

The Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) is the leading cloud based repository offering a comprehensive collection of full text indexed documents in the fields of humanities and social science publications from and about Central, East and Southeast Europe. CEEOL covers 1,500+ key peer-reviewed and independent Humanities journal titles from 34 countries, that are published in more than 30 languages. Significant number of the included journals are represented with complete archival collection.
The CEEOL eBook collection offers an ever-growing number of eBooks, as well current year publications as backlists of the publishing houses.

Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering.
We publish over 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 case studies. Our priority is to build long-term relationships with a global community of authors, teachers and librarians who want to find, share and apply research that matters.

Making Sense of Global Markets Euromonitor International is the world’s leading independent provider of strategic market research. We create data and analysis on thousands of products and services around the world. As independent market research experts, you can rely on us for unbiased historic trends and forecasts for every region, country, category, channel and consumer. Our innovative market research products, reliable reports and daily updates from expert analysts make Euromonitor International an essential resource for every organisation.
With offices around the world, analysts in over 80 countries and market research on every key trend and driver, we give you powerful access to the real story behind consumer change. Emerging countries or developed economies: we identify the next opportunity first.

Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, believes the library is the heart of its community, driving meaningful and measurable outcomes for individual users and groups. Gale is a partner to libraries looking to deliver educational content, tools and services to support teaching, learning and research, and provide enlightening experiences.
Gale has been a leading provider of research and education resources to libraries for 60 years and is committed to supporting the continued innovation and evolution of libraries and their users worldwide.
For more information please visit Gale A-Z products and

H+H Software GmbH was founded in 1989. The company's head office is in Goettingen, Germany. The company's core expertise is in innovative concepts and software products for productive application management in networks. H+H Software has been involved in server-based computing since 1995, and has consistently integrated innovative server-based technologies in its expanding range of products. H+H Software products have been used for years by renowned companies, government agencies, and research and educational organizations the world over.
The company's well-known products include: NetMan Desktop Manager, NetMan, NetMan for Schools, Virtual CD, HAN (Hidden Automatic Navigator).

IOP Publishing’s cross-disciplinary portfolio of ebooks and 70+ research journals offers vital research across the physical sciences and related subjects areas, in partnership with some of the most renowned institutes in the world.
More than 700,000 articles can be accessed on IOPscience, IOP Publishing’s electronic platform and all journal content is semantically enriched to ensure an easier, faster and more fruitful discovery process.
For more information, visit

Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.
In addition to publishing over 6,000 titles a year worldwide, Oxford University Press produces online editions of many of its most acclaimed scholarly and reference works including academic and research journals, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, general reference material, and monographs in a wide range of subject areas.

ProQuest is a global provider of digital content and technologies for academic, government, corporate, school and public libraries. We curate content, simplify workflows and connect people and organizations throughout the information community. Key to serious research, the company’s products are a gateway to the world’s knowledge including dissertations, governmental and cultural archives, news, historical collections, and ebooks. ProQuest technologies serve users across the critical points in research, helping them discover, access, share, create, and manage information.
The company’s cloud-based technologies offer flexible solutions for librarians, students, and researchers through the ProQuest®, Bowker®, Coutts® information services, Dialog®, ExLibris®, ebrary®, EBL™, Alexander Street® and SIPX® businesses – and notable research tools such as the RefWorks citation and document management and the Pivot research development tool.

Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community.
SAGE publishes journals, books, and library products spanning a range of subject areas. SAGE remains majority-owned by our founder, who has ensured that the company will remain permanently independent.

Springer Nature is one of the world’s leading global research, educational and professional publishers, home to an array of respected and trusted brands providing quality content through a range of innovative products and services.
Springer Nature is the world’s largest academic book publisher, publisher of the world’s most influential journals and a pioneer in the field of open research. Springer Nature was formed in 2015 through the merger of Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education and Springer Science+Business Media.

Thieme Publishing Group is a privately held, German medical and scientific publishing company. For over 125 years, Thieme's high quality books and journals have been a vital resource for scientists, physicians, researchers and academics.
Thieme publishes more than 130 peer-reviewed journals and over 500 new books per year. The Thieme resources are also available online and offer valuable information in eJournals, eBooks and chemistry resources like Science of Synthesis and Pharmaceutical Substances.
A trial access is available for all products in order to demonstrate the contents and functionality.

Wiley Wiley, a global company, helps people and organizations develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. Our online scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly journals, combined with our digital learning, assessment and certification solutions help universities, learned societies, businesses, governments, and individuals increase the academic and professional impact of their work.

Wolters Kluwer provides information and services for healthcare professionals to help them make important decisions on patient care, outcomes, and medical discoveries.
Clinicians rely on our market leading information-enabled tools and software solutions throughout their professional careers from training to research to practice. For medical research, Ovid® brings together in one convenient solution, the world’s premium, peer-reviewed journals, books, databases, productivity resources and tools.
The Ovid medical research platform is used by healthcare practitioners, librarians, researchers, and students to help inform decisions on patient care, support research to improve practice, and explore new discoveries. Ovid delivers a comprehensive portfolio of the world’s premium peer-reviewed clinical, medical, nursing and allied health content.
Other Contributors

AiP Safe s.r.o. is a sister company of AiP, which is engaged in designing and supplying systems solutions for document management (DMS), content management (ECM), workflow, long-term preservation (LTP) and trusted document storage (TDS). AiP Safe uses its own framework SAFE. AiP Safe creates custom solutions, and provides related services.
SAFE LTP system together with Digitization workflow and Sken metadata editor creates the core module of the National Digital Library (NDK). In the competition “The Best 2014 – MasterCard” project was evaluated as the best in the category of “Central projects” and was awarded as The Project of the Year.

SEARCH TECHNOLOGIES, formerly INCAD is the most experienced provider of search-based applications and solutions in the Czech Republic. Focus areas include search and analytics applications and software development.
We are part of the Search Technologies group which has delivered solutions to more than 600 customers worldwide, is a GOLD-certified Microsoft partner, a premium Google Partner, and has worldwide relationships with Elastic, Cloudera, and other leading technology companies.

The University of Economics, Prague (Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze) is the leading university in the field of management and economics in the Czech Republic.
The University of Economics, Prague has six faculties – five in Prague and one in Jindřichův Hradec in South Bohemia. These include: the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the Faculty of International Relations, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics and the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. The faculty based in Jindřichův Hradec is specialized in management.