
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Posters and/or Other Published Material
Session coordinator: Jana Machonská,  Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic
Where: 25. 5. 2004, - 27. 5. 2004, New Auditorium

A Contribution to Image Semantic Analysis [paper]

Author: Jozef Stašák,  University of Matej Bel - Faculty of Finance, Slovakia


PDF file 


This contribution deals with semantic analysis of image. The image is divided into areas called segments. Each segment may have assigned one or more semantic networks. These semantic networks are applied when providing an image description or completing image based on segments and might be created based on a verbal description of image or based on verbal facts creating basis for completing image. However, this contribution deals with a life cycle of image, structure, features and creation of the above-mentioned semantic networks, as well.

About the author

Author of this contribution is a university teacher actinng to Faculty of Finance - University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica. He interested in the following objectives: records management and archival processing, databases and data warehousing systems together with information delivery problems incl. data mining.

Other papers in this session:

Availability of Slovak Film Heritage [poster/paper]

Author: Anna Faklová, Slovak Film Institute, Slovakia

Co-author: Ing. Nadežda Andrejčíková, Cosmotron Bohemia and Slovakia

Possibilities and Quality of Internet Utilization in Agriculture and Rural Areas [poster/paper]

Author: Jan Jarolímek, Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jiří Vaněk

Medicine on the Invisible Web [poster/paper]

Author: Jiří Menoušek, Louny Hospital - Scientific Information Centre, Czech Republic

Relationship Between Search Engine Optimalization and Visitor Optimalization [paper]

Author: Jan Nemrava, University of Economics - Faculty of Management, Czech Republic

Partnership for Public [paper]

Author: Libuše Nivnická, The Jiří Mahen Library, Czech Republic

Measuring the Efficiency of University Libraries Using Data Envelopment Analysis [poster/paper]

Author: Nevena Stancheva, University of Economics, Bulgaria

Co-author: Vyara Angelova

Public Information Sources and Business Databases on the Slovak Market [paper]

Author: Katarína Šebejová, Československá obchodní banka, a. s. - Foreign Branch in the Slovak Republic

Web Services and Applications XML [poster/paper]

Author: Milan Talich, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

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