
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Posters and/or Other Published Material
Session coordinator: Jana Machonská,  Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic
Where: 25. 5. 2004, - 27. 5. 2004, New Auditorium

Availability of Slovak Film Heritage [poster/paper]

Author: Anna Faklová,  Slovak Film Institute, Slovakia

Co-author: Ing. Nadežda Andrejčíková, Cosmotron Bohemia and Slovakia


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Availability of Slovak film heritage. Contribution deals with basic questions related to proccesing and avalibility of film cultural heritage of Slovakia in the Archive of the Slovak film institute. Contribution consists of two parts : teoretical and practical. Information system SK CINEMA – is used for preservation and archiving of audiovisual cultural heritage. Second part of contribution is dedicaded to partical aspects of building up of Information systems SK CINEMA . In systems was based on the specific and basic needs of the Slovak film institute and availability and accesibility into IS SK CINEMA of materials, witch were processed and now they constitute infomation sources. IS SK CINEMA is a specific model with its own methodics for imput of own information sources and for their integration with existing information sources and within their availability in the framework of unified user space in the internet.

About the author

The auhor is a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava and its Departments of Librarienship and scientic information. The author deals with projection of information systems and with their team management. At present the author deals with project and implemantation of information systems for the Slovak film institute, where she is in the post on the coordinator of then procejct for protection of cultural heritage of the Slovak cinematography. She is a member of the Slovak Association Librariens and she is also member of the Commitee for informatisation of the Ministry of Culture.

Other papers in this session:

Possibilities and Quality of Internet Utilization in Agriculture and Rural Areas [poster/paper]

Author: Jan Jarolímek, Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jiří Vaněk

Medicine on the Invisible Web [poster/paper]

Author: Jiří Menoušek, Louny Hospital - Scientific Information Centre, Czech Republic

Relationship Between Search Engine Optimalization and Visitor Optimalization [paper]

Author: Jan Nemrava, University of Economics - Faculty of Management, Czech Republic

Partnership for Public [paper]

Author: Libuše Nivnická, The Jiří Mahen Library, Czech Republic

Measuring the Efficiency of University Libraries Using Data Envelopment Analysis [poster/paper]

Author: Nevena Stancheva, University of Economics, Bulgaria

Co-author: Vyara Angelova

A Contribution to Image Semantic Analysis [paper]

Author: Jozef Stašák, University of Matej Bel - Faculty of Finance, Slovakia

Public Information Sources and Business Databases on the Slovak Market [paper]

Author: Katarína Šebejová, Československá obchodní banka, a. s. - Foreign Branch in the Slovak Republic

Web Services and Applications XML [poster/paper]

Author: Milan Talich, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

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