
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Posters and/or Other Published Material
Session coordinator: Jana Machonská,  Albertina icome Praha s.r.o., Czech Republic
Where: 25. 5. 2004, - 27. 5. 2004, New Auditorium

Medicine on the Invisible Web [poster/paper]

Author: Jiří Menoušek,  Louny Hospital - Scientific Information Centre, Czech Republic


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The term "invisible web" was used for the first time in 1994 by an American specialist Jill Ellsworth.. She used this expression for that sort of information which was not accessible by using search engines of that time.

Nowadays the Internet is divided into two parts – on the one hand the visible and surface web and on the other hand as many as 500 times bigger and invisible, opaque or deep web. Exactly on it there are placed a lot of valid medical data.

In addition to technical causes there are many other reasons which make some information difficult to obtain. It has been an increasing rate of noise ratio and insufficient search engine optimalization of documents with special medical data.

The author gives the list of five gates into the invisible web:

  • the 1st gate – usage of some functions of common search engines
  • the 2nd gate – usage of some specialized (medical) databanks
  • the 3rd gate – usage of some specialized (medical) search engines
  • the 4th gate – usage of some links indexes for the invisible documents
  • the 5th gate – usage of the monitorship over several forms of the on-line discourse among medical experts ( groups of www users, e-mail conferences, chats, etc.)

The part of this presentation are some links to several sources of "invisible" medical data.

About the author

Other papers in this session:

Availability of Slovak Film Heritage [poster/paper]

Author: Anna Faklová, Slovak Film Institute, Slovakia

Co-author: Ing. Nadežda Andrejčíková, Cosmotron Bohemia and Slovakia

Possibilities and Quality of Internet Utilization in Agriculture and Rural Areas [poster/paper]

Author: Jan Jarolímek, Czech University of Agriculture, Czech Republic

Co-author: Jiří Vaněk

Relationship Between Search Engine Optimalization and Visitor Optimalization [paper]

Author: Jan Nemrava, University of Economics - Faculty of Management, Czech Republic

Partnership for Public [paper]

Author: Libuše Nivnická, The Jiří Mahen Library, Czech Republic

Measuring the Efficiency of University Libraries Using Data Envelopment Analysis [poster/paper]

Author: Nevena Stancheva, University of Economics, Bulgaria

Co-author: Vyara Angelova

A Contribution to Image Semantic Analysis [paper]

Author: Jozef Stašák, University of Matej Bel - Faculty of Finance, Slovakia

Public Information Sources and Business Databases on the Slovak Market [paper]

Author: Katarína Šebejová, Československá obchodní banka, a. s. - Foreign Branch in the Slovak Republic

Web Services and Applications XML [poster/paper]

Author: Milan Talich, Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, Czech Republic

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