
List of all accepted papers (sorted by name)

Information Services Effectiveness in Health Care
Session coordinator: Eva Lesenková,  Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Czech Republic
Where: 27. 5. 2004, 8:30 - 12:30, Auditorium D

System Support for "learning organization"

Author: Vladimír Rous,  Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Czech Republic

Co-author: Mgr. Adéla Jarolímková, IKEM - Vědecká lékařská knihovna


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The paper shows, how to approach implementation and development of processes, that together build an environment of "learning organisation".

First, more theoretic part, is oriented on definition and clarification of the term "learning organisation". Second part describes the situation in IKEM (Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine). Current changes, that have been elicited by new possibilities in rapidly developing IT field, active policy in promoting electronic resources and the outflow of users from library to the LCD displays demand reassessment of all the processes. Mere rationalization of former library activities is not enough. The company nowadays need to implement and consolidate new processes to maintain the market and gain competitive advantages and there is a great opportunity for cooperation of information specialists (librarians) and IT people, which can be one of the key factors in development of "learning organisation". Seizing new library and information center roles – support of education, intranet/internet development and digital libraries – are the milestones of such a cooperation.

About the author

Ing. Vladimír Rous, graduated from Czech Technical University Prague, worked as a programmer, technician and IT manager. Since 2001 he has been in IKEM, currently as a Chief Information Officer.

Other papers in this session:

Bibliometric Indicator SCI-ISI as a Measure of Research Excellency and their Alternatives Mainly for Czech Biomedical Conditions

Author: Milan Špála, Charles University - 1st Medical Faculty, Czech Republic

Co-author: Marie Votípková, Národní lékařská knihovna

Citation Analysis As a Tool For Comparing Nations in Context of World and European Science

Author: Jana Hercová, National Medical Library, Czech Republic

Co-author: Ludmila Hercová, Národní knihovna. 2003-absolventka magisterského studia FF-ÚISK. Diplomová práce na téma "Citační indexy v medicíně"

Responsibility in Activity of Information Worker

Author: Rostislav Kudláček, State Institute for Drug Control, Czech Republic

Computer Graphics as an Important Service Offered by the Learning Resource Centre of the Palacky University Faculty of Medicine in Olomouc: 5-year-experience

Author: Kateřina Langová, Palacky University - Faculty of Medicine, Czech Republic

Co-author: Mgr. Jarmila Potomková, Informační centrum LF UP v Olomouci

Optimizing Medical Research and Medical Care with Ovid's Integrated Solution

Author: Reiner Klimesch, Ovid Technologies, Germany

The National Reference Centre (NRC) – the Informational Support for Quality and Health Care Effectiveness

Author: Antonín Malina, Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education, Czech Republic

Library and information Services Effectiveness in Health Service

Author: Eva Lesenková, Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Czech Republic

Co-author: Helena Bouzková, Národní lékařská knihovna v Praze

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