24th Annual Conference on Professional Information Resources

May 29-30, 2018, Prague

Paper details

Information Literacy as a Prerequisite for Effective Work with Information Sources


Michal Černý
Masaryk University - Faculty of Arts - Department of Information and Library Studies
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Acquisition policy in the field of electronic information resources is often conducted in the light of research into the identified or predicted area of ​​interest of the users of the institution. The acquisition itself, but the promotion of resources does not have to ensure their use. In order for users to use resources actively, it is essential that they have a degree of information literacy that allows them to effectively define their needs, search and analyze resources, and then use them. Therefore, the contribution will focus on different approaches and models of information education, aiming at better work (not only) with electronic information resources.

Drawing not only on theoretical models, but also on projects that are implemented directly in the online environment within the educational activities of KISK – Information Literacy Course and Creative Work with Information. Based on the data, it will also illustrate what topics students are interested in and what they want to miss.

About author

Michal Černý works as a teacher at the Department of Information and Library Studies at the Faculty of Arts, which has been systematically technologies in education and libraries, information science and Information Education. It is the guarantor Masters honors technology in education.

Lecturing university courses Educational Technology, Educational Technology Laboratory, Methodist ICT, Information systems in education, Information society, Course work with information and Digital competencies.

He is the author of several books (Digital Information curatorship in the educational context, Webinars education: pedagogical and didactic aspects, Information such as an anthropological phenomenon, 12 Trends in Czech software economy: technological, economic, social and ethical aspects of ICT) and several hundred papers, which topics of technology, education and information.

We also want to show how this activity can have an impact on information education, cooperation with educational institutions or to support the education of its users in the library and beyond.


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