13. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Zahájení konference

Koordinátor: Vladimír Karen, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 22. 5. 2007, 11.00 - 12.45, Nová aula

Výprava do uživatelského prostředí. Uživatelé se mění - informační pracovníci a služby musí také

Autor: Guus van den Brekel, University Medical Center Groningen - Central Medical Library, Nizozemí


This presentation provides an overview of causes why library and information services are fading out of sight for most user groups and how these users and their expectations have changed without us realizing. It contains a strong plea for a focus shift for librarians, but in fact also for companies and organisations. A focus into the environments where the users are, instead of expecting them to come to us, or our resources. Exploration of all relevant user environments for your organization, the use of new web-based technologies with Web 2.0 elements and certainly a more structural technical re-design of (library) information systems is required to deliver your services and resources at the place of need. A simple short-term solution like a QuickSearch Library Toolbar is explained, several other tools to “enrich” the user’s personal search environment, as well as the more long-term ongoing work at the Libraries of the University of Groningen and the Central Medical Library of the University Medical Center Groningen.

O autorovi:

Guus van den Brekel is the Coordinator Electronic Services of the Central Medical Library of a large academic teaching hospital in the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). He is a Medical Information Specialist as well as IT coordinator and responsible for Library Services Development and Innovation. He has been involved in developing and introducing the local Metalib system for the University Libraries (RUGCombine)), as well as SFX implementation (RUGLinks), the Electronic Reference Desk and the QuickSearch Library Toolbar. More information about Guus can be found at his personal blog.

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