Přehled příspěvků podle jmen autorů
Budoucnost vyhledávání a získávání informací. Vytvořte si svou vlastní elektronickou knihovnu
Autor: Mechthild Geesen, K. G. Saur Verlag, A Part of The Thomson Corporation, Německo
Plné texty
Users today are requiring access to specialised and authoritative online information. That means for the libraries that they need to choose their special information sources. Thomson Gale hat developed a system in research technologies that permits users to access, organize and propagate information quickly, seamlessly and efficiently. The new technology platform Thomson Gale PowerSearch employs state-of-the-art proficiency to create a more personal, streamlined common user interface that can be customized to match the skill level and habits of the users. Libraries can build their own online collection or eLibrary. The platform simplifies searching and improves content management, because it allows custom collection development of both periodical and proprietary content by combining respected references in eBook format with full-text periodicals chosen by collection and subject experts. With the Thomson Gale eCollections users always have access to the latest information available - the full-text periodical content is continually updated and instantly retrievable.
O autorovi
Mechthild has studied in Hannover and Munich German studies, Political and Social Science and Pedagogics, doctoral examination 1998 in Literature (Ingeborg Bachmann) After working a few years as a teacher (German as a foreign language) she came to K.G.Saur in 2000, first working in the marketing dep. Since 2003 she is a sales rep., responsible for Austria, Bavaria, Hesse, and since 2004 also for the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
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