13. Konference o profesionálních informačních zdrojích

Detaily příspěvku konference

Integrace elektronických knih do nabídky informačních služeb

Koordinátor: Filip Vojtášek, Albertina icome Praha s.r.o.

Kdy a kde: 24. 5. 2007, 9.00 - 12.05, Posluchárna D

Elektronické knihy v rozhraní ScienceDirect

Autor: Piotr Golkiewicz, Elsevier B.V., Nizozemí


Although the trade market for e-books is now developing quite rapidly, the academic market is much better established. Commercial availability of academic e-books accelerated greatly with the founding of electronic libraries as early as in 1998. The value of the electronic book is more and more appreciated for its searchability, accessibility and multimedia features. At Elsevier we are ready to support our readers increasingly prepared and demanding the electronic content. This is why we are adding 4000 new ebooks to the ScienceDirect platform in 2007. Elsevier continues to build on ScienceDirect key strengths and will add nearly all S&T academic books on ScienceDirect. Nearly all of Elsevier’s academic book titles are included like: academic and professional reference books, text reference books and monographs. All highest quality content already existing in the paper form as well as adding yearly 500 – 800 frontlist titles.

O autorovi:

Piotr Golkiewicz is Account Manager at Elcevier B.V. He started his professional career as researcher at the Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin, Poland. When Polish market opened up to new opportunities he moved to sales and marketing in international company. In 2006, after 13 years Piotr returned to the scientific world by joining Elsevier. He is working with Academic and Governmental customers in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Baltic States.

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